PDC Online50 for Mobile workers

Access your books anytime from any location for maximum flexibility.

allows password controlled access at all times from any internet enabled computer.
  • Stay on top of your business finances from on the road, from a customer's office, or anywhere with Internet service.
  • Multiple users can access the same set of books, anytime, anywhere, helping your business run more effectively.

Improve communication with business associates

  • Instantly share financial data with your advisors, accountants, and partners to help your business run more efficiently.
  • Ensure that your collaboration with people at different locations is efficient and hassle-free.

Enhanced control and great business insight for better decision making

  • Your financial records are organised in one place so it's easier to make business decisions - no matter where you are.
  • Get the accounting and financial organisation tools you need to help your business look even more professional.
Line 50 Invoice screen shot Line 50 Management Information screen shot Line 50 Cash Flow screen shot
Line 50 Invoice screen shot
(click image to enlarge)
 Line 50 Management Information screen shot
(click image to enlarge)
 Line 50 Cash Flow screen shot
(click image to enlarge)

For further information call 0151 281 6162 or email online50@pdconline.co.uk or click here to complete the online contact form.

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